High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'


Eisteddfod 2021

Although not all of our High Cross children are in school for St David's Day we will still celebrate the day and our Eisteddfod entries with our whole school community.

We invite Foundation Phase children to wear traditional Welsh costumes, rugby jerseys, Welsh themed tops or something red to school and encourage KS2 to still join in by wearing these at home. 


Eisteddfod Assembly & Art (Mrs Richardson) - Dydd Dewi Hapus Assembly

Welsh Music Cerddoriaeth Video (Mrs Powell) - Cerddoriaeth Cymraeg


As we traditionally would on the day, enjoy proudly singing the Welsh National Anthem aloud. Click the link below.


Our School Community Musical Entries

Click on the link below to watch the wonderful Eisteddfod musical entries we received. These include vocal and instrumental performances.

High Cross Eisteddfod musicians 2021