High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472 & 01633 920390
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'


PTA Principles

Why is there a PTA?

The purpose of the PTA is to raise funds for activities for the children to enjoy. High Cross School PTA has recently become a registered charity (Registered Charity Number 1194806).


Principles for the use of PTA funding

Additionality: The PTA funds activities that cannot and should not be funded by the school or local authority

Equity: the PTA seek to ensure fairness, with all children at the school benefiting over the course of their time at High Cross Primary School.

Enjoyment: the PTA aims to fund activities and equipment that promotes children’s enjoyment and wellbeing.

Sustainability: the PTA aims to fund a mixture of activities and also investments in for example, play equipment, that will last for years.

Informed: the PTA is guided by the school and also parents about how funding is used.