High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'


Heddlu Bach

Our Heddlu Bach representatives in Year 6 all completed an application and interview in order to be appointed into this position. As part of their role they link with Gwent Police NxtGen team and our Local Neighbourhood Policing Team.


Projects completed by Heddlu Bach:

5th November 2021– Bonfire Night and Anti-Social Behaviour

15th – 19th November 2021– Anti-bullying week

16th December 2021 – Attended Rogerstone Community Carol Service

8th February 2022 – Safer Internet Day leading a whole school assembly

March 2022- Rogerstone Community Litter Pick

June 2022- Role of a CSO and PC work with the NxtGen Team

July 2022 - Attended Gwent Police Force Open Day and joined the opening parade

October 2022 - working with Gwent Police NxtGen team dog department

January 2023 - working with Newport Parking Enforcement Officers

February 2023 - Safer Internet Day awareness project

February 2023 - Community Telephone Box Lendin Library Project


Next on their action calendar:

·      Another local community litter pick with out local counsellors and Neighbourhood Policing Team

·      Traffic and parking outside school working with our local traffic wardens

·      Arson Aware – working with Newport Fire Service

Telephone Boxes – Maintaining the telephone box adopted by or school