High Cross Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd High Cross
  1. 01633 895472 & 01633 920390
  2. highcross.primary@newportschools.wales

'Together we grow and shine'

'Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n tyfu a serennu'


Year 6SD


Welcome to 6SD Information Page



Weekly update:

** 24th June - Science Transition lesson

** 5th July - Year 6 Bassaleg Transition day 9.30a.m. - 2.30p.m.

** 15th July - Leavers Concert 1.15p.m. Leavers Party 5-7p.m.



Key information:

** Learning log sent home on a Friday (weekly or fortnightly)

** Learning log due in on a Wednesday

** Outdoor PE kit every Tuesday and Thursday (Forest School/ Orienteering)

** Indoor PE kit every Friday

 ** Our Locality - Newport, Rogerstone and High Cross**

Typical weekly timetable:

CTG = Close the Gap maths               GGR = Guided Group Reading

    Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4  


Maths English ICT GGR  
Tuesday CTG Maths Maths Welsh RE  
Wednesday CTG     English English

 Maths Reasoning

SEAL/ Literacy  
Thursday Welsh Science Science Project  Project  
Friday CTG PE Maths Project

Reflection Learning logs

